Shaping light.
Helping Engineers and Scientists in Advancing How the World Communicates, Senses and Connects
Our solutions
Discover our portfolio of CoBrite narrow-linewidth tunable lasers and chassis options, ranging from single laser sources to the highest density chassis-based solutions available on the market.
Tunable Laser
Transmitter solutions
Discover our compact ID OSA – Optical Spectrum Analyzer for C- and L-band.
Spectrum Analyzer
Discover our range of polarization maintaining components.
PM Passives
Receiver solutions
Applications & Markets
Light-Driven Innovation – The Power of Photonics
Light isn’t just illuminating our world—it’s transforming and, sometimes, even revolutionizing it.
Photonics is behind the scenes of our daily tech marvels. It’s powering the internet that connects us, helping cars drive themselves, and letting satellites beam data across the globe. It’s speeding up computers, revolutionizing medicine, and enabling incredible scientific advancements.
At ID Photonics, we provide engineers and researchers with a portfolio of world-class photonics test and measurement solutions to help them advance a variety of exciting and revolutionizing applications.



Quantum key distribution

Quantum computing


Defense application
Facts & Figures
The research work of the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute centres on the development of modern communication systems and multimedia systems. The employees develop principles for innovative information technologies and create new applications for new products as partners of industry.